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Discover a tailored solution for elevating perinatal and lactation education at your institution.
Work with us
Host a Course
We believe in straightforward pricing—one flat fee covers as many staff members as you can fit in the room. Hosting a live training session with us is the most efficient and hassle-free way to ensure your entire hospital team receives high-quality, evidence-based lactation education. No per-person costs, no hidden fees—just expert-led training designed to meet your hospital’s needs.
Institutional Rates
Whether you prefer in-person or online training, we offer institutional pricing for large groups and, when possible, need-based discounts. Our online education features tiered pricing—meaning the more staff you enroll, the greater the savings. Contact us today to secure your discounted rate!
Did I mention we can design custom courses too?
What Sets Us Apart
Industry Leaders
- Former IBLCE President
- Fromer IBLCE Exam Authors
- Helped develop the mPINC
- Brought Baby-Friendly to the USA
- Part of the first Magnet Hospital
- Created the national standard for Breastfeeding Assessment
Research Philosophy
We don’t just follow research—we contribute to it. We help gather data, send weekly perinatal research summaries, and host a lactation journal club. Our courses stay updated right up to the moment we teach!
Years of Experience
Two of our faculty members have been lactation consultants since before the IBLCE was established. Together, our team brings over 200 years of combined clinical experience—plus our own personal journeys in lactation!
Best Practice Orientation
We integrate the latest research with international and national protocols and standards, ensuring our programs remain fully compliant while advancing the field of lactation care.
Staff Onboarding
Baby-Friendly Education
California Health & Safety Codes §123367
With the rise of maternal morbidity, increase of lawsuits about formula usage, and ever-changing culture of our patients, it is more important than ever to find the staff onboarding that is right for you patients and your institutions. Gen Z within the next few years will make up the majority of new parents whereas less than 15% of IBCLC's are within 10 years of these new parents. Our education helps assist the cultural gap between your existing staff and new parents while also teaching recent graduates and staff members the foundations of perinatal education care. Our programs have a proven track record of increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration in hospitals and statewide in as little as 3 months.
Here is the data:
- Increased breastfeeding initiation rates by 12.3%
- Exclusive Breastfeeding rates until hospital discharge average at 96%
- Reduced formula before day 2 by 11%
- 7% increase of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months
The above data is a combination of our Baby-Friendly education and custom bundles targeting institutional goals. We have recently developed a new onboarding course which was recorded live in September to meet our client's needs. We can do the same for you if we don't already have an existing program that meets your needs. Just contact us to get started.
Before Evergreen Perinatal Education started, our faculty was already working with Baby-Friendly bringing the imitative to the Philippines and the United States. Our faculty continues this work here, at Evergreen Perinatal Education, and in the other practices to this day. With the implementation of "new" 6th Edition Guidelines and Evalution Criteria the required education changed. There is no longer a time requirement for the education, there are a variety of new competencies, there are additional subdivisions of who requires what education and many of the competencies now require observational verification. We know working with many hospitals the change has been confusing - some deciding to drop the accreditation altogether. Don't let that happen to you and your facility, we are here to help. Our program has three pathways all shorter than the previous Baby-Friendly requirement:
Provider Education
Shorter education only for providers covering their required competencies.
Staff Competencies
Competencies dependent on when the staff see patients during the perinatal period
Full Program
Your staff learns all 77 competencies. This is the longest program but has the best outcomes.
Along with the education, we can help your facility organize the observational competencies and mock BFHI interviews. Looking for help becoming Baby-Friendly or making the Annual Improvement process a little easier? Contact us!
California Health & Safety Code §123367 mandates that hospitals providing maternity care ensure all perinatal staff receive evidence-based education on breastfeeding, infant feeding, and lactation support. This requirement aligns with Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) standards to improve breastfeeding outcomes and equitable lactation care across healthcare settings.
Evergreen Perinatal Education offers comprehensive, research-based training designed to meet and exceed these requirements and has been providing Baby-Friendly education since the first Baby-Friendly Hospital in the United States. Our courses cover all necessary competencies, including the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, informed infant feeding decision-making, and strategies for overcoming common lactation challenges. With expert-led instruction, inclusive language, and up-to-date policy alignment, Evergreen Perinatal Education ensures hospitals can fully comply with §123367 while enhancing staff knowledge and patient support.
Contact us today to learn how our accredited programs can support your hospital’s compliance and Baby-Friendly designation!
Live Lecture List
This is a list of live courses we can bring to your facility or are currently scheduled.
Please refer to Online Courses tab for a complete list of courses. If you are looking for specific education: staff onboarding, baby-friendly education, or California Health & Safety Codes §123367 please click on the links.
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Education Initiatives
All Evergreen Perinatal Education LLC courses follow the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline. And Evergreen Perinatal Education has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality.
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