Baby-Friendly Education

Discover a tailored solution for elevating perinatal and lactation education at your institution. 

Baby-friendly education

Before Evergreen Perinatal Education was founded, our faculty was already deeply involved in bringing the Baby-Friendly Initiative to both the Philippines and the United States. This commitment continues today, both through our work at Evergreen Perinatal Education and in collaboration with other healthcare practices.
With the implementation of the new 6th Edition Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria, the educational requirements for Baby-Friendly designation have significantly changed. Time-based education requirements have been removed, new competencies have been introduced, and additional role-specific subdivisions now determine who needs which type of training. Many competencies also require direct observational verification.
We understand that these changes have caused confusion for many hospitals, leading some to consider discontinuing their accreditation. Don’t let that happen to your facility—we’re here to help. Our program offers three streamlined pathways, all shorter than the previous Baby-Friendly requirements, designed to meet the updated standards efficiently and effectively.

Shorter Education for Providers

overs only the required competencies for healthcare providers.

Role-Specific Training

Competencies are based on when staff interact with patients during the perinatal period.

Comprehensive Training

overs all 77 competencies. This is the most extensive program, leading to the best outcomes.
In addition to education, we support your facility in organizing observational competencies and conducting mock BFHI interviews. Whether you're working toward Baby-Friendly designation or looking to streamline the Annual Improvement process, we’re here to help. Contact us today!

What Sets Us Apart


This contains a list of our online and live education designed to meet BFHI education's requirements.
We do offer institutional pricing.

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