We have your lactation specific education covered
IBCLC Certification Bundle
Certification Hybrid
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Our students PASS!
Excellent course! I highly recommend this virtual learning experience. Not only was I able to take in all the content at my own pace but I learned so much about nursing, prenatal and post natal care and even about growing family dynamics. I never realized how much there is to learn about lactation, the growing baby and family. My mind has been opened and Im eager to go out into the clinic and meet those newborns and care for my new nursing moms. I feel empowered and more importantly, capable of doing this now.
A well rounded course in the physiology, biology, sociology and cultural influence on breastfeeding, with educated and experienced speakers and lots of resources to use. Thank you, this has been the most enjoyable education course I have ever taken and I got so much out of it!
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