Frequently asked questions
Why do your courses utilize British English?
British English is used internationally as the standard for the lactation field. The IBCLE exam will utilize British English and it helps prepare you for the slight differences.
What kind of discount pricing do you offer hospitals for online learning?
We have several discount pricing options for the Online Excellence in Care with the Ten Steps program (Online BFHI education program). The regular fee is $125 per person. We have an institutional pricing option for those institutions interested in contracting with EPE starting at $85 per person. We also have combination packages which blend our face-to-face and online programs which may make you eligible for other potential discounts. This initial face-to-face encounter is perfect for energizing and focusing staff. The Online BFHI education program is ideal for staff who cannot attend the face-to-face course, for new hires or for any staff member who needs a refresher. For more information on institutional online education discounts, please see EPE's Institutional Group Subscription brochure.
What kind of combination packages do you offer for BFHI education?
We are pleased to be able to offer a package that combines both our face-to-face and online Baby Friendly Hospital education programs. Our website is full of information about the various course options, so please take some time to review the information posted. Please contact us directly and we would be delighted to discuss the options, pricing, and scheduling availability and to customize a program for you and your staff.
How long will I have access to the online education once I register?
You will have 1 year (365 days) from the date of purchase to view and complete the full Foundations course. You will have 180 days from the date of purchase to view and complete the content for Online Excellence in Care with the Ten Steps. You will have 90 days from the date of purchase to view and complete any of our 2-hour or 3-hour lactation education modules. When you log in to the myEPE system, it will have the expiration date(s) listed next to the course(s) you registered for.
What are the steps involved in the registration process?
To create an EPE user account, go to the registration page. Enter your email, password, confirm password, first name, last name, country, profession, and IBCLC certification year if you select "IBCLC". After submitting this information, the system will return to the LOGIN screen. Use the email and password you specified during registration to gain access to your account and complete the course sign-up and payment process.
What are the required fields for creating an account?
Required fields include email, password, confirm password, first name, last name, country, profession, and IBCLC certification year if you select "IBCLC". After you enter information for those fields, you will return to the LOGIN screen. Use the email and password you specified during registration to gain access to your account and then you can complete the course sign-up and payment process.
What are the system requirements for online education?
Please double check to be sure the computer you're using meets the system requirements, including a supported web browser and updated Flash player.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that they possess the technology necessary to support access to EPE's online courses.
- Cookies should be enabled for logins to work.
- Javascript must be enabled.
One of the following Web browsers (the most current version available):
Google Chrome (preferred browser), Firefox, & Safari. We discourage the use of Internet Explorer and other unsupported browsers, as they are often incompatible with the LMS.
These are supported across Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.
I have purchased an online course, but I don't know where to start?
Following registration and payment, you should receive two (2) separate emails from EPE, Please check your SPAM and JUNK mail folders if you do not see them in your INBOX.
- "Welcome to Evergreen Perinatal Education" indicates you set up an account and this email will specify the username and password selected during the registration process with a Web link for completing the sign-up process.
- "Evergreen Perinatal Education: Signup Completed" with a Web link to access information about your courses and live event registrations under "My Courses".
I have purchased an online course, but I haven't received any confirmation emails.
Following registration and payment, you should receive two (2) separate emails from EPE,, as indicated in the above FAQ. Please check your SPAM and JUNK mail folders if you do not see them in your INBOX. If you have only received one (1), the sign-up process is incomplete. Please sign-in with the username and password you specified when you created an account and then attempt to purchase again. You may then proceed to the payment screen to complete the transaction. You will receive a second email with the Web link to access your courses once your payment has been processed.
I reset my password, but I am not receiving any confirmation of this request.
You may reset your password at any time. You will receive an email confirming this change at the email address provided, presuming that email address is associated with your EPE account. If you do not receive this confirmation email in your INBOX, please do check your SPAM and JUNK mail folders in case the email was filtered. Email notifications are sent from
The course won't launch from "my courses"?
If you are having difficulty viewing content, please do the following to see if it resolves the issue:
- Be sure you are using the username and password you specified during the registration process.
- Close your web browser completely and restart the web browser. Return the "My Courses" using the information contained in the "Evergreen Perinatal Education: Signup Completed" email. If restarting the web browser does not work, clear your cache and other browser data such as cookies. To clear Google Chrome's cache and browser data, please read more here. After clearing the cache, close the web browser completely and restart the web browser. You can clear the cache for Firefox by going to Firefox > Preferences. You can clear the cache for Safari by going to Safari > Empty Cache.
- Be sure the computer you are using meets the system requirements listed on the program page
How do I clear my browsing history, cache, or cookies?
1. First, try closing your web browser completely and restart the web browser. Return the "My Courses" using the information contained in the "Evergreen Perinatal Education: Signup Completed" email.
2. If restarting the web browser does not work, clear your cache and other browser data such as cookies.
2. If restarting the web browser does not work, clear your cache and other browser data such as cookies.
- You can do this in Internet Explorer by going to Tools > Internet Options > General > Temporary Internet Files and select Delete Cookies and Delete Files.
- You can clear the cache for Firefox by going to Firefox > Preferences.
- You can clear the cache for Safari by going to Safari > Empty Cache.
- To clear Google Chrome's cache and browser data, please read more here.
I have viewed and completed online content, but the system information doesn't match (system says "not viewed" or "incomplete")?
There are a variety of reasons why this may happen, all of which are frustrating. If there's a system failure while you are viewing content, the attempt will not be recorded. This includes:
- The browser crashed.
- The computer crashed.
- There was a power outage.
If there was a system failure, you will need to login to the system under "My Courses" and restart the course. If there was not a system failure, remember to close the browser window which displayed the content after completing the content for the results to be recorded. Any method for closing the browser window is acceptable. You may:
- Click the Exit tab in the Presenter player.
- Click the Finish button in an exam.
- Click the "X" in the upper right corner of the browser window.
The system will remember where you left off and ask you if you want to resume once you login the next time. If you try to close the browser window without an internet connection, you will be notified that your results could not be saved. Re-establish your internet connection and click the "OK" button when asked to "Retry?" and your results will be recorded. If you do not re-establish your internet connection and click the "OK" button, your results will not be recorded, and you will need to retake the content.
The online course content launches, but then freezes or stops suddenly?
Bandwidth is the speed/transfer rate at which you are connected to the internet. If you are using a dial-up Modem, this is considered to be a slow to moderate speed for data transfer and content may load more slowly. Check with your IT department to be sure low bandwidth is not the problem. You might also inquire with your IT department about firewalls in terms of e-learning, webinars:
- Are there any sophisticated content filtering rules being applied (e.g. on the word "breast")?
- Are there any time limits being applied on online multimedia sessions?
- Are there any connection issues or download speeds which may be affecting multimedia viewing after a certain number of minutes?
Try logging in from another computer from a different location. For example, if you are accessing content from home, try accessing it from work or the library. It is also possible the content management system that EPE uses is not working properly. As we become aware of content management system failures, we will notify all users accordingly.
I cannot get the exam to accept an answer I believe to be correct?
There are a variety of exam question types used throughout the mini exams and the final, comprehensive exam. Question types include true/false, multiple choice, select all the apply, and sequence. Please consider the question type when selecting or providing an answer.
Please note: exam question content is pulled from course audio, the syllabus located in the resource tab of each module, and from the videos throughout the course. Consider reviewing each prior to taking the exam.
Please note: exam question content is pulled from course audio, the syllabus located in the resource tab of each module, and from the videos throughout the course. Consider reviewing each prior to taking the exam.
I have finished the course and need to download my certificate of completion.
Please log in to your my EPE account and go to My Courses. You will see the online course name, the date of completion and a link to the certificate of completion. Click the link and download and/or print a hard copy your certificate. If you have completed the course including the final exam and you DO NOT see a link to your certificate of completion, please log back in to My Courses, launch the course in question, and check to be sure you clicked the FINISH button once the exam results are displayed so that the system may accurately log and record your session. Click FINISH and close the content viewer and your web browser. This should cue the system to complete the course and supply your certificate of completion.
Who do I contact if none of the above solutions resolves the problem I am experiencing?
Please do contact us at info@ for additional assistance. We make every attempt to respond in less than 24 hours.
What is your refund policy for online courses?
All sales for online education are final. All purchases for online courses are non refundable and non transferable. For refund policies about our face to face courses, please visit our policies page.
Is Evergreen Perinatal Education certified as a CERP provider by IBCLE?
Evergreen Perinatal Education has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality.
How do I request a receipt for my purchases?
For requesting a receipt, kindly direct your email to Please ensure to include the email address or name utilized during the registration process. Thank you.
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Education Initiatives
All Evergreen Perinatal Education LLC courses follow the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline. And Evergreen Perinatal Education has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality.
Evergreen Perinatal Education Copyright © 2024