Staff On-boarding

Discover a tailored solution for elevating perinatal and lactation education at your institution. 

Staff on-boarding

With the rise of maternal morbidity, increase of lawsuits about formula usage, and ever-changing culture of our patients, it is more important than ever to find the staff on-boarding that is right for you patients and your institutions. Gen Z within the next few years will make up the majority of new parents whereas less than 15% of IBCLC's are within 10 years of these new parents. Our education helps assist the cultural gap between your existing staff and new parents while also teaching recent graduates and staff members the foundations of perinatal education care. Our programs have a proven track record of increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration in hospitals and statewide in as little as 3 months.
Here is the data:
Increased breastfeeding initiation rates by 12.3%
Exclusive Breastfeeding rates until hospital discharge average at 96%
Reduced formula before day 2 by 11%
7% increase of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months
The above data is a combination of our Baby-Friendly education and custom bundles targeting institutional goals. We have recently developed a new on-boarding course which was recorded live in September to meet our client's needs. We can do the same for you if we don't already have an existing program that meets your needs. Just contact us to get started. 

What Sets Us Apart


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